Are you our next rock star team member for our clients? With a enrollment and completing the profiles that best fit your experience, you will be able to separate yourself from the crowd.
M Squared Managment demands excellence - to arrive at your event EARLY is considered to be on-time, work hard, and exceed expectations. Professionalism, reliability and trustworthiness are the values that define how we ALL work together - and what we require of our Talent as you represent our clients' brands.
You must submit a minimum of four (4) photos to complete most-to-all profile entries. The below provided descriptions are there to serve as a guideline. You must submit at least one photo of you smiling with teeth. No selfies or photos with instagram type filters.
Ambassador & Modeling necessary Photograph's:
By Becoming SQUARED you are committing to uphold these values. In return we are committed to empowering you with the information you need to serve our clients well.